Who are we?

“We do not declare ourselves Interim Manager overnight”

The exercise of this profession is the fruit of a deep personal thinking, it represents a choice of professional life with impacts on the private life, requiring a lot of mobility. It requires a specific management style and allows the manager to continue to flourish in areas of expertise where he is used to succeed.

As in any transition or profession, it is necessary to prepare, train and surround yourself with professionals. This is the “raison d’être” of this Transition Management Certificate issued by IFMT, with the recognition of the professional organization of the trade: France Transition.

The goal of the association AE-CMT is to allow alumni to meet regularly for events, to contribute to the enrichment of the training program, to facilitate mutual assistance during missions and to develop awareness of our Certificate to companies .

It is the guarantee for them of the employment of experts trained and passionate about this profession, using common methods and tools for the success of their missions.

Jean-Philippe Ménétret

Chairman AE-CMT


Executive board:

Chairman: Jean-Philippe Ménétret

General Secretary: Philippe Deffays

Treasurer: Gilles Zuber

Responsible for France and International Partnership: Joseph Bröcker

Responsible for Event management: Olivier Lliberia

Composition of business commissions:

  • Financial Management commission: Katrien Anne de Block. Alternate : Pierre Vissière
  • General Management commission: Vincent Potel. Alternate : Hervé Pouliquen
  • Human Resources Management commission: Olivier Liberia
  • Site/Supply chain Management/Purchase commission: Lionel Garnier
  • Digital/IT Management commission: Laurence Varloot
  • Sales, Marketing and Communication commision: Jean-Philippe Ménétret

Composition of regional commissions:

. Hauts-de-France, Grand-Est region and Belgium regions: Jean-Philippe Mornard

. Bretagne, Pays-de-la-Loire and Normandie regions: Cyril Bolinches

. Centre-Val-de-Loire, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Bourgogne-Franche-Comté regions: Lionel Garnier

. Nouvelle-Aquitaine region: Hervé Rose

. Occitanie, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur and Corse region: Jean-Pascal Schaefer

Composition of the language commissions:

. German-speaking Community: Sébastien Kuhn